Everything you need to get it done in 12 weeks or less!

Weekly Group Coaching Sessions
Get ideas, brainstorm and hash out your work with our expert live coaching! Miss a call? No problem, get the replays to learn from what others went through!

One on One Book Design Sessions
Once your manuscript is finished you get a professional edit, interior formatting and book cover design you'll love! This makes all the difference to help your book stand out from the masses.

Accountability and Writing Hours!
By staying on track with us you are 86% more likely to finish than trying on your own. Life gets in the way but with our weekly calls and accountability you'll have everything you need to see your book come to fruition and have fun doing it!

Write with a Purpose Course
Need help creating your book outline or finding your target audience. Learn the step by step process to make sure your book is started right.

Author's Marketing Course and Strategy Session
So your manuscript is finished, now what? Learn the steps you need to make a marketing plan that not only fits your budget but gets your book in front of your audience! Make sure you start off right by getting your tailored marketing plan that fits your budget, style and brand.

Author Branding
Not sure what your brand is or need to re-brand? We will help you gain clarity on your unique message and what sets you apart!You will know exactly what makes you stand out!